Basic Usage

Below demonstrates a request to Match V5 endpoint using PUUID with optional arguements. All endpoints return a Json::Value object.

#include <jsoncpp/json/json.h>
#include "path/to/client.h"

int main() {

    client::RiotApiClient example_client("<path/to/api/key>", "<path/to/logging/file>", logging::LEVEL::<level>, <bool verbose>);
    Json::Value response;

    response = example_client.Match.by_puuid("routing", "puuid", {"startTime", <user_arg>}, {"endTime", <user_arg>}, ...);

Note: All std::pair arguments are optional

Including your API Key

It is highly recommended not to included api keys in source code as one may unintentionally share source coded publically with the api key exposed.

Riot-cpp accepts a path to a json file to extract your api key. The file should be of the following format.

    "api-key" : "<API KEY>"