Welcome to Riot-cpp

Simple Api client for the Riot Games Resful API implemented in C++ 20.

This library implements rate limiting to prevent api key blacklisting from exceeding Riot's rate limits. The library handles server response error's and will retry when a successful request is possible (429, 500, 503 errors). The client contains a logging class to help with debugging dependent code as well as providing information of the running of the client. Riot-cpp will adapt to the specific api key's rate limits after the first request and try to recover from errors.

Riot-cpp uses libcurl to send https get requests and jsoncpp to handle json data structure encoding and json file parsing.


Currently the repository must be cloned or downloaded via the releases.

git clone git+https://github.com/Dan-Tan/riot-cpp.git

Option 1: CMake

Linking to executable or library

target_link_libraries(<your library or executable> <PRIVATE/PUBLIC> riot-cpp)

Option 2: Manually with libriot-cpp.

The shared object file is located as $riot-cpp/build/src/libriot-cpp.so$ and can be manually linked with your compiler of choice. You must include the following in your includes

#include "path/to/riot-cpp/src/client/client.h"

See options for linking with gcc, Options for Linking


Riot-cpp implements all offical riot api endpoints not including the following:



Riot-cpp is not developed or affiliated with Riot games.